Thursday, January 31, 2013

fangirl over EXO spam. (part 1)

so yeah. hey. i'm back. again. but today, i am spamming you guys with EXO and their perfection. ok? ok. it will begin now. 


omfg. look at him. his stare. asdfghjkljaheuqmahakhehq. just ohmygod. stop creeping up my list, kris. 

holy flying fucks. unf. dat sexy stare. unffff. stawp it, suho. stawp. before i want to rip off your shirt. 

okay, never mind, he took it off for me. but. holy krisus. someone help me. "help! i've fallen and i can't get up!" dammit, suho. i'd tap dat ass any day. sowwy, my feels are just all over the place. 

thank you, tao for explaining it in such a lovely way for me. 

okay, okay, sehun is bringing duh sexiness back in da house. to my feels' luck. 

breathe in, breathe out. i need to calm the fucks down. omfg. just let me love you, kai and sehun. unnf, dat jawline, and unnfff, i want to touch dat stomach. 

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