Thursday, January 3, 2013

is anyone even reading this? o.o

school starts for me next week- *cries* and i haven't even started my homework yet. *cries harder* i also haven't even updated my fanfic on AFF yet. *cries even harder* TT~TT i'm such a failure. all of that is happening and i'm worrying over if you guys are even reading this blog? keke, it's okay if you guys don't read it or if you don't even know this blog exists. it's all alright. i'll just fangirl all by myself and if you guys don't love me, our lovely babies, EXO will. yesh, EXO loves me. i mean. i'm pretty sure they do. NOT. THEY NEVER WILL. THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU EXIST! sorry, that is my conscience talking. i'm weird, aren't i? well, to reassure you that i'm not depressed and going to jump off a cliff and die over that fake fact that i never will meet EXO. that is a lie. a pure l i e. because i met them. well, not all twelve members of EXO. *sniffles and wipes a tear* but meeting half of them was enough for me. because not everyone has a chance to meet them and i truly am sorry because i did and they didn't which is not fair. why does the world have to be so unfair??? 

but yeah, i met EXO-M at KCON. i swear to god, it was the most awkward meeting they probably ever had because i was standing there with chanyeol's famous creeper smile. 

i kids. i was standing there with like a normal smile, trying so hard not make it into a creeper one like chanyeol's. earlier when i was in line waiting for it to be my turn to meet them, i saw a girl hold her hand out to each and every one of them, and they..... SHOOK IT! *gasps* i was like i didn't know you can touch them! so when i found out i could, my facial expression was like this, 

so when i did finally walked up to meet them. i was tongue-tied by their handsomeness and closeness proximity to me. like wtf? this is the worst possible time that my mouth couldn't move! so all i did was wave and all they did was wave back and smile so sweetly. ohmygod. it was heavenly. while they signed my stuffs, i held a hand out like the other girl did and when they finished signing, they held my hand in theirs and shook it! holy shisus. EXO-M FREAKING TOUCHED MY HAND. ME. MYSELF. I TOUCHED EXO-M'S HANDS. am i alive? it was so surreal. especially when lay smiled at me and showed his dimple. holy fcks. i thought i was going to die. but luckily i didn't. okay, imma stop there. i don't want to do this to you guys. since some of you probably didn't meet them yet. but when you guys do, i'm pretty sure it will be a way better meeting than mine and you'd probably leave an impression on them and they'd fall in love with you and you guys would make babies and you would all live happily together. while i would just be #foreveralone reading fanfics. 

i am going to go now. see you guys later. gonna get started on my homework because i have nothing else to do and it's due next week. *sigh* the perks of no social life. 


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Anonymous said...

i read this haha i would love to meet them too! *jelly*